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Silicone 8" Skull Honey Bear Bubbler

Part Number:6601003
Silicone 8" Skull Honey Bear Bubbler
Silicone 8' Skull Honey Bear Bubbler


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Silicone 8" Skull Honey Bear Bubbler

Silicone 8" Skull Honey Bear Bubbler may look like a cuddly honey bear, but this is one edgy bear. This bubbler is made from silicone and is unbreakable, durable, heat-resistant, and non-stick. Smokers don't have to worry about damaging this bubbler. This premium bubbler provides a buttery-smooth hit that smokers will love for mellower smoking sessions. Choose from several fun colors.

Comes with glass slide

MSRP - $28.99

Comes pre-priced with barcode.

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